Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Death of the Author Brigade - Pretty

"Pretty" is the latest release by Death of the Author Brigade. The world's finest Internet band. This bouncy pop tune will make you a fan of good old fashioned song craft again.

Jeff takes his turn at singing a tune with the band and knocks it out of the park. He once knocked a wino out at a park for his Lavoris money but that's another story.

Kat (the Canadian one, not the Croatian one) is on all kinds of keyboards...plus two very powerful allergy medications.

Dave G. did not send me another picture, so he will forever be remembered by Death of the Author fans as that guy who likes to play his drums near large bodies of water.

Max plays guitar but not like he's a ringin' a bell. That was Johnny B. Goode.

The bass track was done by Kevin S. He's so touch he always wears a live coral snake around his neck when he performs.

Daniel played "additional instruments" and mixed this to perfection. I'm so grateful, I'm not even going to make an insulting joke.

So here, without further ado, is Death of the Author Brigade’s newest release.

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